Thursday, May 5, 2016

not social bookmarking, just occasional search results -- excellent elevenofakind futureproof archaic blogging eleven out of ten p0st0ne mayfivetwentysixteen

now playing: LISA SHAW - Let it ride (Jimpster remix, previously unreleased)
pretty cool future funk nu house i especially like the synth lines at musictimestamp : 3m58s
  • i searched for startsearchblock[ academic computer science failing to advance open source ]endsearchblock

  1. notableresultOne
futuremetta questiones > does copying and pasting results to present them qualify as plagiarism? should people hotlink images? shouldn't the intent of the author somehow be usable to filter search results? what is the semantic internet and who uses it if anybody at all? why can't i view hosted .mht files? why don't you use .mht format? why does nobody care about Firefox's display problems?  why isn't there a forum for open source developers to congregate? are we afraid to make better free software? or is programming just bad? why the lack of information? do people not want to give away their ideas for features so that other people will create the software and they won't have to do work?  here is one of my concepts for a text editor. you can use this concept if you informally agree to let me know when this thing works.

the text editor uses carets like normal but has features for advanced find and replace / grep / whatever
as well as inline commenting which is saved in the file but optionally not in an exported text and subsection folding
when you search for things, and the lines (or html sections) containing them will be highlighted
you can flag these highlighted lines with a background color shift, in multiple groups.
if i want to find "<a img" then

you can highlight lines and parts of lines discontiguously. linewise operations can be made on lines.
when you select a number of files in Windows Explorer and ShiftRightClick and select "CopyAsPath" you receive a list of files within quotes on lines.  these linewise operations would let you define the actions to be done within a macro, but would be run kind of in parallel and more error-free than a macro, on all lines or sections simultaneously.  so these linewise ops would let you remove the double quotes surrounding the file path and possibly replace spaces with %20 and then convert the file path into links.

since web technology coders are becoming more prevalent in comparison to desktop programmers it would be sweet to see use of techniques like this in a text editor with features that emphasize discontiguous selections and transformation of large sets of information into HTML pages.

altso i would like to see a chrome extension that takes the highlighted links and makes them into a resizable iframe. not very complicated for some people probably.

altso: multi-column webpages or programs.  since people have wide screens i believe that file management should not only use traditional dual pane commander type stuff but also a multi-column display of files for a single folder within a flat view.

butAlso: is there a difference between mobile apps and desktop browsing that makes scrolling a webpage on a desktop use progressively more amounts of ram whereas on a mobile app at least it would seem that things leave ram when they a certain distance upwards off of the screen?

also: what's the deal with APIs?  people don't make frontends for things anymore?  we're making jobs for programmers and making the truth of the accessibility of public information through APIS obscure by not making frontends, right?  i don't understand.  maybe people nowadays just don't know what they're doing?  maybe i'm bad at researching and i don't really care? i'm not sure.  anyways it seems to me like developing within web technologies is pointless since you're not selling the website you're selling whatever you're trying to sell, and i'm not really seeing anything impressive or interesting online outside the context of games and shader toys and processing or whatever.  im not a master of scrolling so please enlighten me as to when and where people got scrolling level 2.5 and web 2.  i would definitely like to see some cool 3D webGL stuff like on that bungie site that one time with the player models and stuff.  im not sure what the deal is with the gamecube logo appropriation for and i'd liek to check it out but i dont have the elevated levels of phone necessary to comprehend htc vive. people don't even review things nowadays. it's ridiculous.  back in the day you'd be able to read reviews and they'd make sense. like they'd be like "yeah the radeon 9600 se sucks buy the 9800 pro dude" but now you read reviews and you're just like, who are these people, some scrubs that only own laptops and say stuff that doesn't sound true?

how come when that npm module broke on that thing or whatever i saw a comment where some guy was like well IRC still works so development will go on?  why isn't there a permanent and high quality forum for development?  i mean it seems like it would be easier to get into nanomaterials engineering or electro photo optronics or whatever than computer programming, even though literally millions of people are apparently trying to program computers.  at least with science you can read publications on the latest developments in techniques which explain to some extent what tools and instruments people are using.  i mean still, it seems that people are trying to keep the bulk of their knowledge difficult to digest, supposedly in the interest of time and space.  i understand that folks learn things independently and then don't think to teach them to others because it's not important, and, after all, there's always reason to believe that your own techniques and methods aren't the best anyways, so what's the point in teaching them to others, right?

well anyways! it would be great if people could get it together and collaborate to help other people do their jobs better than they can, eventually, even if it seems threatening to their livelihood that they'd be working on a new programming language and IDE (or useful spreadsheet app / document app / web editor / notepad / browser / file browser) which is easier and better.  cause like, .....
you aren't gonna be able to let an artificially intelligent system design your programs unless your system for designing programs is easier to operate!  you gotta like work from the top down but also from the bottom up. (and stuff.) i mean it's great to hack stuff together out of totally deficient junk but it's also great to make less deficient junk isn't it? well, go ahead, do my job for me, for yourself. call up all your random programmer blogger people like cody doctorow and jeff atwood and tell them to, like, tell other people to do something about this. we have to make programming not suck!  cause they aren't gonna care about me telling them programming sucks, but you, you're important!  i don't suck at programming, i'm actually pretty good at it as far as i can tell (measured by some kind of quality over time ratio), but basically, programming sucks!  we have to make programming not suck!

"why it's time to publish research failures"  well, this is my cool article about why it's time to make programming not suck.  basically, programming is computer science and most of what i've written here would suggest that academic computer science fails to advance realworldprogramming and realprocomputing the way it should given that they are calling it science!  yeah, i can see why nanoscience isn't immediately helping us, because, that equipment and stuff is expensive and you can't just like make huge amounts of metamaterials like that, but computer science? should be advancing programming, but isn't!  say what you want about abstract math, i think that it's stupid to use distributed computing to look for huge prime numbers.  why don't you make a spreadsheet program can track huge numbers of digits?  i know i've seen and checked the limit of Microsoft Excel in regards to significant figures.  is anybody even bothering to do this stuff?  get real, guys!  you guys don't even know what to call cplusplus, it's not like c++ is a real thing you can search for either!  you should be working on languages that have more than one letter in them!  like yo, proce55ing isn't even the standard token inuse for the processing language. that's so confusing.  LoL? stop using ununique keywords.  i don't want to hear about league of legends, ever!  one of the reasons i am soodope is because im real and i recognize real.  one of the biggest failures of the 21st century is the internet.  uh yeah, it's funny, and it makes some people money, but realness within forums has dropped off precipitously and this decline in realengagement between real leet peeps who don't even have a term for themselves (and techies is just a sad term) is tres sad.  and you don't just publish loqual treatises and lowqual manifestos like this on forums. nope!  yes i believe myself to be someone who produces highquality stuff although i believe it is easily perceived as lowquality and lowfidelity.  most people don't have the reading comprehension and level of attention to read this, because THE SENTENCE ENDING PUNCTUATION KNOWN AS A PERIOD SHOULD BE EASIER TO SEE AND HOPEFULLY LOOK COOL TOO AND MAYBE HAVE DIFFERENT VARIATIONS THAT PROVIDE USEFUL INFORMATION.  yupp, the world is full of loskill peeps with lojudgment and badcriticism, and im just a crazy nuspeak technofacist who is using his unfair possession of privileged knowledge to say he's great because he knows more than the everyman.  and that's just the kind of politically correct reactive journalism that im not about.  and ya know what, sci-fi sucks!  80% of comic books are boring!  i don't care! books are for idiots! written facts are just trivia.  cold media, and the consumption and promotion of it rather than the creation of hot media and pursuit of  hottermedia toolmaking thru programming and progusage represents a losing trend.  but you're writing text and that's cold media! no, this is some hot media, hence the exclamation points! didn't they teach you that in YO OWN BRAIN?! art/book/comicbook/anime nerds might be a significant bump in the future leetpeeps demographic frequency chart, but the way i see it, me and these nerdsumers are not the same, and if you don't naturally understand why it's not cool to keep namedropping bad music pseudoironically even though you actually listen to that trash, good day! i am going to continue to fail at research!  somebody else will be laying the foundation for future programming and i'm pretty sure they will agree with me on a lot of points not that i am trying to make points.  i don't like to argue about the classifications of things and adjectives and words, not like normal people.  every argument i have, i always present the same general idea, "that's cool but i think we could agree that it is not the optimum action for somebody/humanity to take, i.e. what you/we are talking about is trivial, stop whining at me cause you are down five dollars or whatever! i only want the best for everyone but i can't make that the reality because they are making bad decisions in pure game theory and i am only one person limited by the reality of my position in societal mental reality and material reality. aggressive dissonant music is bad, your taste in stuff is bad, you're a dilletante, i don't care about your second hand retelling of what you read because i don't like journalism or popular science, etc."  if you don't like what you're reading i'm not sorry, this is for the digital archaiologists who will be examining the data artifacts of the 21st century to see what the historic people of the early 21st century had to say.  like yeah maybe upon closer examination of myself i realize that maybe im not sure what archaic really means.  is this like some kind of historic archive? some kind of writing that people will republish in a book about me?  who was i, some kinda outsider scientist philosopher?  some dude who had accounts?  i wasn't some mysterious collective of art people.  i think i saw the old elephant six recording studios a few times.  well, i'm pretty sure there is a lapse in the recording of history precisely in this time and age.  if archaeologists today could have access to the "internet" of centuries past and identify individuals i'm sure they'd want all the info they could get.  and im sure all the rock music appreciators would love to see some footage of those sessions back in the day with the bands in the elephant six collective.  i mean i have the beulah dvd "a good band is easy to kill" and that's kind of hard to find right?  all bands have a story, just like all people have a story. and whether it's irresponsible or not I think it would be a shame if I weren't able to live it up and create history, so that eventually they could see the tons of archival footage of life as it was for me and others. a good life, smiling faces, good music, well edited, into a good movie, or two, or three. dang, they'll think, the early 21st century wasn't as bad as the list of disasters, actually it seemed like a heck of a time to be alive, and that idiot kid gave those future people a clue.

Why it's time to publish research “failures”

Publishing bias favors positive results; now there's a movement to change that

MIT Challenge - Scott H Young

Open notebook science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Open-source movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am triple majoring in math, computer science and physics because ...

Policies and Procedures | Department of Computer Science at Illinois

Open Problems In Computer Science

Why it's time to publish research “failures” - Elsevier

Computing Science Innovation Center - Samsung Research America

The M.S. Programs

EPIC FAIL: the sorry state of web education in schools | Opensource ...

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